
Grasple is a learning and practice environment for statistics and mathematics courses. It offers countless ready-to-use instructions and assignments with which students can practise and gain insight into their academic performance. Grasple is available in all Brightspace Courses. 


Database with practice material and feedback 
Grasple offers complete classes and exercises for statistics and mathematics. You, as lecturer, choose which elements to offer to your students, and you can modify or add exercises. On completing an exercise, students immediately get to see how they did and which areas require more attention. You can see which topics student have a good grasp of and which ones need more work. The practice material is available at Grasple resources. 

The Grasple manual in the Lecture Course has all the information needed to get going. 

Introductory video showing the main functionalities (2:02) 

Didactic tips

  • Encourage students to practise more by offering practice material. On completing an exercise, students immediately get to see how they did and which areas require more attention. 
  • The lecture starts with a short formative test. You immediately get to see in which exercises students have made the most mistakes. That way, you can address misconceptions and students can see their mistakes. This makes for a more personalised lecture. 
  • Create a refresher guide with existing material that students can use before or during your course. Include a formative test on all topics at the beginning of your course, so students know where to focus their attention.