Create a knowledge clip or podcast

Knowledge clips and podcasts could be a valuable addition to your teaching. In this article, we explain when to use them and where to turn for help.


Knowledge clips are suitable for explaining basic concepts that students struggle with. They are also useful as instructions for a difficult assignment or for the appropriate use of specific equipment.

Podcasts are suitable for deepening topics. You can use them as background knowledge or source material. For example, an interview with an expert.


Knowledge clips are videos of about 7 minutes explaining a specific topic or case study. Therefore, it does not replace a lecture or practical lesson.


Making a good knowledge clip or postcast is a lot of work. So, start by exploring whether you can use existing material. YouTube and Ted are full of useful videos. For podcasts, visit Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Tip: add material to your course via Interactive video or Interactive audio so you can add an introduction text, questions or a discussion. This activates students and gives them focus.

Recording a knowledge clip or podcast in a studio involves costs. Is your knowledge clip or podcast for a small target audience? Or is the content only to be used for a limited time? Then you might consider recording a video yourself. This video explains how to make a knowledge clip based on your presentation in PowerPoint. Tip: Hire a good camera and microphone from the lending desk.

HvA studio
Is your knowledge clip or podcast for a larger audience and longer use? Then you can visit the HvA studio. Recording, editing and publishing take place under the guidance of expert colleagues. Apply via the form Aanvraag webcollege (only in Dutch). You will find the costs for recording at Webcolleges under Tarieven. Tip: prepare your story well and/or record several knowledge clips in a row to reduce costs.

Need extra help? Hire a student
Teachers can post jobs on Campus Creators  to hire a student. Students can help with filming, editing or picking locations.