Teaching in the classroom

As a teacher you are in the frontline of education: in front of the class! Both physically and online, you ensure that students (actively) learn, but how do you get students to engage? And how do you ensure that students feel connected, with you as a teacher and with each other? In the articles below, we have translated the latest educational insights into your classroom to help you on your journey.


Teaching modules

Published: 09/05/2022

Learning as a social activity works best when it is truly a social activity: a discussion between students, or between students and a lecturer, in which a topic can be looked at from several perspectives.


Learning is a verb and a social activity. This means students should engage intensely with the course material and with each other, making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. In short, it is time to make sure the right people are engaged. 

Supporting students

Published: 09/05/2022

Studying is not just about learning a profession, but also about getting to know oneself. Supervising students involves more than handing them knowledge and skills; it is also about supporting their growth as individuals.

Hybrid Education

Published: 09/05/2022

Hybrid education can be a solution when COVID-19-related restrictions are in place and students are in quarantine. Which scenarios exist for hybrid education?


Published: 10/05/2022

Motivation, in its various forms, can make students active and wanting to learn. By creating the right learning environment, you as a teacher have a direct impact on your students' motivation.

Social Cohesion

Published: 09/05/2022

Learning is about being together with others, the lively exchange of opinions and brainstorming about and solving complex problems. Feeling a connection with the degree programme positively influences study success for students.

Assessment and Testing

Published: 04/05/2022

A student can demonstrate what they have learned through testing and assessment. But how do you make sure you develop a good quality test? How do you assess a student in an honest (objective) and reliable way?


Published: 04/05/2022

If you want students to develop continuously, feed‘back’ is essential! It helps them see if they are still on track and how best to carry on. How do you give effective feedback or feed forward? And how do you ensure that students provide each other with feedback?